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Wednesday, January 16, 2002

Stepping Out

I knew I'd like him when he mentioned Adam and the Ants and my favorite book in his introductory email to me. My Humor and Musical soulmate! After having been slammed with responses from every guy who lived within fifty miles of me, his was refreshing, humorous and showed lots of personality. So I responded. After all, I was probably only looking for a friend.
    Within a month we had developed a very hot, very connected and honest on-line relationshipp. So we decided to take the next step and meet. (Did I mention that I am married? Well, yes, I am. And he knew it. He also knew that my husband was absent both physically and mentally from my marriage and I wanted to see what else was out there. Time for a change.)
    Well, like in cheesy novels, but better, we met, hit it off, and quickly delved into the sexual side of our connection. He was great, sweet, caring and sexy, and he really let me feel like I could do anything and it would be ok. I definitely showed him my naughty side. I really wanted to explore that. (I even showed him my, um, penchant for hot tub jets.) The best thing about it was that we were friends too. Yeah, I could fuck him, but I could also just sit with him and watch a silly movie and laugh. We got tattoos together, my first, his third. (No, no names!)
    We have decided, after six months of our time together, to break it off and reconsider some things. I need to figure out my marriage once and for all and he wants to work out his feelings about why he got involved with a married woman. I do know that if I wasn't married we would be having one hell of a time together. As it is, I think that we can be friends. I hope so. We better be friends because he has one hell of a music library and I want copies of it!

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