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Friday, March 30, 2001

Drinks, Dinner and Dessert

I definitely owe you a debt of gratitude for the last year, which thanks to the Personals was action-packed for me. Sure, there were a few duds (and you know who you are, boys), but on the whole I have no regrets about meeting any of the men I found via your fine site, most of whom were possessed of above-average intellect (one of the most important aphrodisiacs, to my mind).
     My most memorable encounter was with someone who I initially was convinced I wasn't going to meet. He seemed too intense, his looks made him seem way, way "out of my league" and maybe I was being a little narrow-minded, since I hadn't really been with anyone after my recent breakup. He emailed me a photo of himself and I couldn't resist meeting him for a drink.
     Drinks went well, and I was surprised that this extremely hunky guy could be pleasant to talk to as well. Intelligent, even. We wound up having dinner, and after dinner he switched on the charm. He fixed me in his stare outside the restaurant, and said he was glad I'd decided to meet him after all.
     This led to a very erotic sharing of ice cream in a public park (we were putting on a quite a show for the men hanging out there), an arousing cab ride back to his place and a few hours of very, very hot sex. This guy knew what he was doing, knew how to talk. You'll be pleased to hear he was playing NerveRadio during our encounter. Sure, he checked his email a few times while we were between bouts but nobody's perfect. The fun ran out when the condoms did, so we masturbated together, then he walked me to the bus stop, and I went home satisfied and happy. Could a girl ask for more?


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