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Wednesday, April 18, 2001

An Enjoyment Connection

Actually, we've made a love connection but we try not to use that word too much to avoid the stigma. I "enjoy" this girl more than my last four girlfriends combined! Everyday I find something new about her that I like. We've been "being together" for nearly two months now . . . and I have you to thank!
    Back story: I had never done the online/phone/classified dating thing ever. But I have long been a fan of the creative art/photography parts of the site and on one particular boring Friday night after work, instead of going home, I got sucked into the Personals section. A few hours later I found many women in my Hot List . . . and one at the very top.
    So I wrote her, responded to her ad, just her. She responded over the weekend. Back and forth we wrote, through the site and off. And by Wednesday of the next week, she suggested we meet. She brought a friend (another member of the Nerve Personals community) and we all hit it off fine!
    Since that night, she and I have been doing everything together from having great dialogue, IG'ing, rock climbing, road tripping, emailing dirty thoughts and photos during work hours, off-roading in the So. Cali. sunshine, eating out, dining in, taking pictures (as I am an artist), partying for all kinds of reasons, and planning to go skiing this very weekend. She's awesome and I just wanted to tell you all the great luck I have had using this site. THANK YOU!


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