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Wednesday, October 17, 2001

Rock n' Roll n' Self Control

She was late, as I knew she would be. There she stood, a little over five feet, pretending like she wasn't looking for anyone, casually glancing around and looking for the boy who, until this moment was a tangled mess of romantic impressions and expectations that never quite seem to materialize in person. She was wearing hot red pants that were a little too big for her. Light played down the small of her back to reveal the hint of her soft smooth skin underneath. I caught her elbow and swung her around. After first muttering some identifying phrases like names to be sure we got the right person, we hugged. I was charmed and it had little to do with the beer I already swallowed to catch up to her.
    We met on The Personals a few weeks prior to our date; I was attracted to her ad and I liked her conceptual photograph. She, on the other hand, thought I was somebody elsea long lost friend. Go figure. We had been emailing each other for about two weeks, nothing more than casual conversation and strange coincidences. But back to the story&
    After first playing a few miserable games of pool and a trip to the playground, she came back to my place to spin some records until dawn where I collapsed on my futon and she took her leave. The next day she left a message on my answering machine that I still have yet to remove. "I just want to let you know that everything is cool between us and that I had a good time last night." We both had plans that night but promised to look for each other while we were out.
    I caught up to her later that evening at a local punk-rock pool hall. It was getting late and I was leaving for the night with friends. We glanced at each other a quick sidelong glance our eyes met with a flare of childish mischief and I wanted to kiss her right there. We knew we could cause each other so much trouble. Fortunately for me she needed a ride back to town and I needed a driver (I had had a few) so we decided to leave together.
    Back at my place we slipped into bed together. We lay next to each other and pretended like we were going to sleep but neither of us had the skills to pull it off convincingly. I reached out to her and placed my hand on the curve of her hip. A little sigh escaped her lips. I continued to slowly smooth her skin from her soft hip tracing my fingers to her shoulder. We lied together that second night&my hands on her knowing that I shouldn't be touching her&but I can't resist it&she sighs and rolls over, pulse quickening&I cannot stop thinking about her curves, the softness of her flesh, the sweetness of her scent&I can feel my skin crawling&growing&am I going to control myself?

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