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Wednesday, November 28, 2001

It's a Small World After All

I met my long-distance ex-boyfriend, my current boyfriend, my roommate, a few people I don't talk to anymore, a few people I do, some that scared me, some that I laughed at later, all on The Stranger Personals. It became obvious that not only are the Personals increasingly popular in my town but my town is a lot smaller than I thought. Last week I went to a concert with a friend that I met on The Stranger Personals, and when he came to pick me up my roommate was on his way out the door to hang out with a girl that he met on Personals. Turns out that the guy I was hanging with that night and the girl my roommate was hanging with that night were seeing each other and had met on The Stranger Personals! I could go on . . . suffice it to say that I have been a member for about ten months and I have had a lot of success meeting people on the site in many different ways with many different relationships and I haven't had any really bad experiences.

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