Hey good-looking! What ya got cookin'?
A picture is worth a thousand words...and profiles with photos get 8x more responses than profiles without an image.
Having problems uploading a photo? You can email an image to us or send a photo using regular mail.
Photo Guidelines:
- Please note that you must appear in each of the photos. We do not post images of pets, children alone or copyrighted images such as cartoons and celebrities.
- Photos that contain explicit nudity, graphic sexual content or are otherwise offensive will not be posted.
Photo dimensions too big? File size too large?
Email us the original photo and we'll resize it to meet our guidelines. Approved emailed photos will be posted within 5 business days.
- Image files can be no larger than 500k.
- Acceptable file formats: JPG, GIF, BMP
Attach your photo to an email message and include all of the following information:
- First and Last Name
- Membername
- Personals site you registered with
- Registered email address
- Profilename you want your image associated with
- Specific details and error message you received when trying to upload your image
- Browser type and version (Internet Explorer 5, Netscape 7, AOL 5, etc.)
- Operating system (Windows XP, Windows 98, MAC OSX, etc.)
Send to: [email protected] with the Subject: Photo Help
Regular mail:
Mail us any photo up to 8.5 X 11 but no smaller than 2 x 2.
We'll scan it and upload it to the personal profile that you specify.
- Please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope if you want the photo returned to you. You must provide correct postage or the photo will not be returned.
- Please note that mail sent by services such as FedEx or UPS cannot be delivered to a PO Box. Please send by regular mail and NOT by Priority Mail. Using Priority Mail may delay processing of photos.
Include all of the following information:
- First and Last Name
- Membername
- Personals site you registered with
- Registered email address
- Profilename you want your image associated with
And mail to:
Spring Street Networks
ATTN: Photos
Prince Street Station
PO Box 547
New York, NY 10012